Lakewood is a fictional town in the television series Scream. It is the known residence of Emma Duval, Kieran Wilcox, Brooke Maddox, Noah Foster and Audrey Jensen.
- Abandoned Garage
- Audrey's House
- Bowling Alley
- Brandon's House
- Brooke's House
- County Hospital
- Blessed Sisters Children’s Home (abandoned)
- Crescent Palms Motel
- Lakewood Motel
- Emma's House
- George Washington High School
- Grindhouse Cafe
- Gustavo's House
- Jake's House
- James' Farm
- Kieran's House
- Lakewood Carnival
- Lakewood General
- Lakewood Police Department
- Mayor's Office
- Nightmare Level game shop
- Nina's House
- Noah's House
- Rachel's House
- Sheriff Station
- Will's Farm
- Wren Lake
- Zenith Theater
Places in Lakewood
In the television adaptation of Scream, we see that it is home to George Washington High School, which the group attends. Also, prominent places in Lakewood include the games store called Nightmare Level, the Lakewood Police Department, an abandoned hospital named Lakewood General, the infamous Zenith Theater, Crescent Palms Motel, Wren Lake and a coffee shop called the Grindhouse Cafe.
- Although Brandon James was a resident of Lakewood, his daughter, Piper Shaw was not. Initially, she decided to come to the town under the guise of research for Audrey's documentary. This was revealed by Audrey Jensen in her conversation to Noah in Jeepers Creepers. Whilst, she committed the killings in the 2015 Lakewood Murders, she temporarily resided at Crescent Palms Motel.
- It was originally speculated that Lakewood is located in New Orleans, Louisiana. However, many cars are shown to have Colorado state license plates.