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Scream Wiki

The following is the Body Count for all six movies in the Scream franchise.

For the body count of the TV series, click here.

Scream (1996 film)

The Woodsboro Murders (original massacre)

Thursday, September 28th, 1995; Wednesday, September 25th - Saturday, September 28th, 1996

# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene Killer (s)
1. Maureen Prescott MaureenDeath According to her body bag shown in Scream 3: stabbed in groin/chest twice/head (Maureen was killed before the start of the movie in September 1995; following victims were killed a year later leading up to her death anniversary).

Billy Loomis and Stu Macher

2. Steven Orth StevenOrthDeathHD93 Bound to chair, gagged with tape, gutted with knife. Ghostface (Stu Macher)
3. Casey Becker 1-CaseyBeckerDeathGif Stabbed in chest/stomach/neck and strangled by Billy. Gutted and hung from a tree by Billy and Stu. Ghostface (Billy Loomis) and Ghostface (Stu Macher)
4. Principal Arthur Himbry ArthurHimbryDeathGif Stabbed 3 times in chest/stomach, gutted, hung from high school football goal post. Ghostface (Billy Loomis)
5. Tatum Riley TatumDeath Arm slit with knife, lifted, head crushed by garage door after being stuck in cat flap.
6. Kenny Brown 1-KennyBrownDeathGif Throat slit with knife. Ghostface (Stu Macher)
7. Stu Macher StuMacherDeathGif TV dropped on head/electrocuted by Sidney. Sidney Prescott
8. Billy Loomis 1-BillyLoomisDeath Chest impaled twice with umbrella by Sidney, shot in shoulder by Gale/forehead by Sidney with handgun. Gale Weathers (Caused)

Sidney Prescott (Fatal)

Scream 2 (1997)

Stab Kill

Stab (1997) Kill Count
# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene

Killer (s)

1. Casey Becker (Stab) CaseyBeckerStabDeath0 Stabbed to death and gutted. Ghostface (Billy Loomis) (Stab)

The Windsor College Murders (1997 or 1998)

Late 1997 (Thursday, December 4th - Sunday, December 7th, 1997; Continuity Errors) or Early Summer 1998 (Thursday, June 4th - Sunday, June 7th, 1998)

199(7 or 8) Windsor College Murders
# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene

Killer (s)

1. Phil Stevens 2-PhilStevensDeathGif Stabbed in ear through bathroom stall. Ghostface (Mickey Altieri)
2. Maureen Evans 2-MaureenEvansDeath Stabbed in stomach and 3 times in back.
3. Cici Cooper CiciCooperDeathGif Thrown through glass door, stabbed twice in back, thrown off 2nd balcony.
4. Randy Meeks 2-RandyMeeksDeathGif Stabbed 4 times in chest, throat slit in news van. Ghostface (Nancy Loomis)
5. Officer Andrews OfficerAndrewsCorpse Throat slashed with knife. Ghostface (Mickey Altieri)
6. Officer Richards OfficerRichardsCorpse Head bashed against car window 3 times, thrown, impaled in back of head through windshield by pipe while on moving car.
7. Hallie McDaniel 2-HallieMcDanielDeathGif Stabbed in chest 4 times.
8. Derek Feldman 2-DerekFeldmanDeathGif Shot in heart with handgun. Mickey Altieri
9. Mickey Altieri MickeyAltieriDeathGif Shot 3 times in shoulder by Nancy/16 times in chest with 2 handguns by Sidney and Gale. Nancy Loomis (Caused)

Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers (Fatal)

10. Nancy Loomis NancyDeath Shot in chest with handgun by Cotton, additionally shot in the head by Sidney. Cotton Weary

Scream 3 (2000)

The Hollywood Murders (2000)

Tuesday, February 1st - Friday, February 4th, 2000

2000 Stab 3 Murders
# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene Killer (s)
1. Christine Hamilton 3-ChristineHamiltonDeathGif Final Opening (canon): Stabbed in back. Ghostface (Roman Bridger)
3-ChristineHamiltonDeathNonCanon Original Opening (non-canon): Stabbed 2 times in chest.
2. Cotton Weary 3-CottonWearyDeathGif Final Opening (canon): Hit in head with golf club, arm slashed, stabbed in chest and head/eye.
Original Opening (non-canon): Stabbed 2 times in chest.
3. Sarah Darling 3-SarahDarlingDeathGif Head punched through glass door, stabbed in back.
4. Steven Stone StevenStoneDeathGif Stabbed in back, head bludgeoned 3 times with frying pan (final punch hit the knife in his back hitting major arteries).
5. Tom Prinze TomPrinzeDeathGif House filled with gas exploded by lighting lighter.
6. Angelina Tyler 3-AngelinaTylerDeathGif Stabbed in chest and dragged out of view.
7. Tyson Fox TysonFoxDeathGif Stabbed in stomach, rug pulled underneath, neck broken, slammed against glass case, thrown off second balcony.
8. Jennifer Jolie 3-JenniferJolieDeathGif Stabbed in back/stomach behind one-way mirror.
9. John Milton JohnMiltonDeathGif Throat slit with knife. Roman Bridger
10. Roman Bridger RomanBridgerDeathGif Stabbed twice in back/chest with ice pick by Sidney, shot several times with a handgun and killed with a shot to the forehead by Dewey. Dewey Riley

Scream 4 (2011)

Stab 6-7 Kills (before opening)

Stab 6 (2009)-Stab 7 (2010) Kill Count
# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene Killer (s)
1. Trudie (Stab) TrudieDeathGif Stabbed in chest (Stab 6 opening). Ghostface (Facebook Killers (Stab))
2. Sherrie (Stab) SherrieDeathGif Throat slashed with knife (Stab 6 opening).
3. Rachel (Stab) 4-RachelDeathGif Stabbed in stomach twice (Stab 7 opening). Chloe (Stab)

The Second Woodsboro Murders (2011)

Wednesday, September 28th- Saturday, October 1st, 2011

2011 Woodsboro Remake Murders
# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene Killer (s)
1. Marnie Cooper Marnie CooperCorpse10 Final Opening (canon): Stabbed in stomach multiple times and thrown through window. Ghostface (Charlie Walker)
MarnieCooperDeathNon-CanonMarnieCooperCorpse Original Opening (non-canon): Slashed in elbow, stabbed 2 times in stomach and hung from ceiling fan.
2. Jenny Randall JennyRandallDeathGif Final Opening (canon): Back crushed by garage door and stabbed to death. Ghostface (Jill Roberts or Charlie Walker)
4-JennyRandallDeathNonCanonGifJRD Original Opening (non-canon): Stabbed in back, stabbed several times in stomach and bound to chair.
3. Olivia Morris OliviaMorrisDeathGif Stabbed in chest/through hand, kicked/thrown, stabbed in back/stomach 6 times, head bashed through window, gutted. Ghostface (Charlie Walker)
4. Rebecca Walters RebeccaWaltersDeathGif Stabbed in stomach, thrown off parking garage roof, lands on news van.
5. Deputy Ross Hoss CopsDeathGif Stabbed in the back and multiple times again. Ghostface (Jill Roberts or Charlie Walker)
6. Deputy Anthony Perkins Stabbed in forehead with hunting knife.
7. Kate Roberts 4-KateRobertsDeathGif Stabbed in back through letterbox.
8. Robbie Mercer RobbieMercerDeathGif Stabbed in chest/back/stomach. Ghostface (Charlie Walker)
9. Trevor Sheldon 4-TrevorSheldonDeathGif Tied up with tape, shot in penis/forehead with handgun. Jill Roberts
10. Charlie Walker CharlieWalkerDeathGif Stabbed in heart and stomach.
11. Jill Roberts JillRobertsDeathGif Head fried by defibrillator and shot in the chest. Sidney Prescott

Scream (2022 film)

The Third Woodsboro Murders (2022)

Friday, September 23rd - Tuesday, September 27th, 2022[1](originally Thursday, September 23rd - Monday, September 27th, 2021; See Continuity Errors)

2022 (originally 2021) Woodsboro Legacy Murders
# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene Killer (s)
1. Vince Schneider VinceDeathGif Stabbed in neck with knife. Ghostface (Richie Kirsch)
2. Sheriff Judy Hicks JudyHicksDeathGif Stabbed 9 times in stomach with knife. Ghostface (Amber Freeman)
3. Wes Hicks WesHicksDeathGif Stabbed through throat with knife. Ghostface (Richie Kirsch)
4. Deputy Clay DeputyClayDeathHD23 Throat slit with knife. Ghostface (Amber Freeman)
5. Dewey Riley DeweyRileyDeathHD82 Two knives yanked through stomach and back.
6. Liv McKenzie LivMcKenzieDeathGif Shot in head with gun. Amber Freeman
7. Richie Kirsch RichieKirschDeathGif Stabbed through face with knife/stabbed in chest 22 times, throat slit/shot 3 times. Samantha Carpenter
8. Amber Freeman AmberFreemanDeathGif Shot 3 times in chest/stomach by Gale onto burning stove and lit on fire that turned on by Amber herself, then shot in head by Tara. Gale Weathers and Amber Freeman (Caused)

Tara Carpenter (Fatal)

Scream VI (2023)

The New York Ghostface Murders (2023)

Sunday, October 29th - Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 (film uses Saturday, October 29th as starting date, despite it being from 2022)

2023 New York Murders
# Name Image Physical Injuries Sustained in Death Scene Killer (s)
1. Laura Crane 6-LauraCraneDeathGif Stabbed 14 times in chest. Ghostface (Jason Carvey)
2. Greg Bruckner GregDeath Mutilated and decapitated off-screen. Ghostface (Wayne Bailey)
3. Jason Carvey 6-JasonCarveyDeathGif Stabbed in back, 12 times in stomach, gutted.
4. Bodega Customer #1 6-BodegaCustomersDeathGif Stabbed 4 times in chest and abdomen.
5. Bodega Customer #2 Stabbed in neck.
6. Bodega Clerk 6-BodegaClerkDeathGif Stabbed in chest and shot with shotgun.
7. Christopher Stone 6-ChristopherStoneDeathGif Stabbed through nose. Ghostface (Wayne Bailey, Ethan Landry or Quinn Bailey)
8. Paul 2.0 PaulDeathHD82 Stabbed multiple times, throat slashed. Ghostface (Ethan Landry)
9. Anika Kayoko 6-AnikaKayokoDeathGif Stomach stabbed/ripped open, head bashed against dumpster from falling off ladder after shaking and turning the ladder.
10. Brooks BrooksDeath Throat slashed/stabbed multiple times in torso and thrown through a book shelf. Ghostface (Quinn Bailey)
11. Quinn Bailey 6-QuinnBaileyDeathGif Shot in head. Samantha Carpenter
12. Wayne Bailey 6-WayneBaileyDeathGif Stabbed multiple times, finished off with a stab in the eye.
13. Ethan Landry 6-EthanLandryDeathGif Stabbed in the mouth by Tara, skull crushed with the TV by Kirby. Tara Carpenter (Caused)

Kirby Reed (Fatal)

Scream 7 (2026)



  1. The Third Woodsboro Murders in Scream (2022) took place on the 26th anniversary, so just after the 25th anniversary of the September 1996 murders, thus in September 2022.At the end of the fifth film, a reporter states the murders ended "almost to the day", so on September 27th, not on the anniversary date of September 28th, of when the 1996 murders ended to coincide with Maureen's date of death in 1995. If added a day more to coincide with anniversary date, then it would follow as: Friday, September 23rd - Wednesday, September 28th, 2022 and Thursday, September 23rd - Tuesday, September 28th, 2021; latter being if in 2021).